September 24:
Sr. Helena, Sylwia, Emily, and Sr. Emi went to XLT (Extreme Life Teen) at St. Catherine Laboure Parish. Many young people gather once a month at St. Catherine's for music, a talk, and Eucharistic Adoration, and this month Sr. Helena was the speaker. She spoke about "Theology of the Body" and vocation. It was a beautiful talk, and wonderful to see how responsive the young people were. We also brought a small book exhibit, and Sylwia and Emily helped with that. A great evening!
1 comment:
Witaj Sylwuniu, widze ze sie rozwijacie w szybkim tepie. Ciesze sie ze jestescie obecnie w kazdym miejscu gdzie potrzeba ewangelizacji. Poydrawiam i teray bede mogla sledzic wasze poczynania z mozliwoscia dodania komentarza.
ps. a nowe zakladki bardzo mi sie podobaja. Ciao Karina
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