November 19 -
November 22:
Thank you for your prayers for our exhibit at the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Kansas City, Missouri! We joined 24,000 young people for a truly exciting and Spirit-filled weekend. On Thursday morning, we set up the exhibit. Our space was directly across from a booth that had a live Internet feed of the event, so our exhibit was online for people around the world to see the whole time! We were in a huge hall with hundreds of other exhibitors and vocation tables. On Thursday afternoon, the young people started to arrive. Many of them wore very interesting and very distinctive hats: everything from cowboy hats to crabs to chickens to cheese! From Thursday to Saturday, we gave out thousands and thousands of "Thoughts from St. Paul," vocation flyers, and bookmarks. It was great to be able to tell the young people about our charism and mission. We joined them for Mass during the weekend, and it was inspiring to see their faith and enthusiasm. It was also fun to see all the other religious communities who were there. We met some of Emily's friends from New York and Missouri, some of Jackie's friends from Tanzania and Colorado, and some Polish sisters and young women who were happy to speak in Polish with Sylwia! We had a beautiful experience -- as one priest said, "If you want to know what the youth of the Church are like, come to NCYC!" We will continue to pray for all the young people that we met.
P.S. Did you see us?!
I hear that the Maryknoll Bros and Friars came to see you and passed on my Twitter greetings! :) Glad to hear of your success there!
What an exciting and grace-filled weekend you had spreading the gospel by your witness of your presence! I am sure that the Holy Spirit was busy opening hearts so that others, too, would hear and be filled with the courage to say "YES" to the vocations with which God gifts them.
I wish I could have been there!!!
I wish I could have been there!!!
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