Today we were blessed to lead our PSR (Parish School of Religion) children at St. Simon the Apostle Catholic Church in Eucharistic adoration. Sr. Rebecca gave a talk on Eucharistic adoration and thereafter led us into a time of adoring Our Lord. She highlighted how our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, saw the "Visit" to our Lord as - "the creature meeting his Creator, the patient with the Doctor of souls...the friend who goes to the True Friend" etc. It was beautiful to see all the children kneeling before Jesus in the sanctuary. As we adored the Lord, Sr. Rebecca invited the children to write their intentions on a piece of paper in view of offering their intentions to the Lord. We concluded our visit with Benediction. It was such a beautiful and grace-filled time with Jesus! We were happy to have had the opportunity to share our "Visit" with the children. Please keep them in your prayers!
When was the last time you visited with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament?
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