This weekend was busy with our apostolic trip to Jerseyville, IL. On Friday morning, we woke up early to set up J-club book fairs ( at St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic School campuses ( Sr. Emi and Laura did the book fair at Holy Ghost campus while Sr. Rebecca and Jackie went to the St. Francis campus. Holy Ghost school has grades K-4. Sr. Emi went to each of the grades and gave a vocation talk, explained who the Daughters of St.Paul are, and told them about our mission. She taught the students a song from one of our children's CD's called "God, Butterflies, & Miracles" ( They had a great time learning the hand motions and singing along! Laura helped with the book fair, explaining to the kids how the book fair works and showing them some of the special books we have to help them learn more about God and their Faith. Sr. Rebecca and Jackie gave a vocation talk and book fair to the 5th through 8th graders at St. Francis School. They began with a vocation talk in St. Francis Church after the morning mass using a media presentation on God’s love. They also shared their vocation stories and answered questions on religious life. Thereafter, the students stopped by the book fair located in a building adjacent to the Church. Sr. Rebecca and Jackie particularly enjoyed having lunch with the kids and spending time with them in recess! Overall, the students TOTALLY enjoyed having nuns in their school, learning about sisters as well as looking at all of the books (they quickly found some books they'd like to have as their own!). All the teachers and students were so friendly and helpful. We met so many nice people!
P.S. Have you had nuns visit your school lately??
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