Friday, October 26, 2007

postulants- en espanol !

Estos días han estado repletos de visitas de otras hermanas. Algunas vinieron de nuestra comunidad en Chicago y una vino de Boston. Todas hemos estado agradecidas de conocerlas y pasar tiempo con más miembros de la familia Paulina. El viernes nosotras tuvimos nuestra primera Noche de Fe y Film. Vimos la película Hotel Ruanda y discutimos lo que podríamos hacer para estar más unidos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en otros países. El próximo mes nosotras estaremos discutiendo el film Spiderman 2. Hemos empezado también la planificacíon para la fiesta del cumpleaños del niño Jesus. Hemos terminado nuestra clase sobre el Divino Maestro y celebraremos la fiesta del Divino Maestro este domingo el 28 de octubre como familia Paulina en todo el mundo.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Praise Jesus!

Let Jesus be praised! You have found the U.S. postulants' blog for the Daughters of St. Paul! There are three of us and we just entered on the feast of the Queenship of Mary on Aug. 22, 2007.

Julia is 26 and entered from Northern VA, but is originally from outside Cleveland Ohio. Alina is 23 and from Miami, FL. Emily just turned 21 (we celebrated only a few weeks ago with the community!) and is from Buffalo, NY.

We have so much to share and can't wait to get started! This blog will be a place for us to share about our new life and things we are learning about the Daughters of St. Paul! Please feel free to leave any comments that you might wish. We pray that this blog would be a forum to share God's love and glory in true Alberione fashion- through means of the media!

We thought "Let Christ be formed in me" would be an excellent title for our blog. This is one of both St. Paul's and our founder, Blessed James Alberione's, mantras. As women in formation, we are truly trying to keep this in our mind and prayer. But even more so since we are women seeking a Pauline charism!

Please keep us in your prayers! Feel free to leave us your prayer intentions as well. We will be updating this blog (God willing!) weekly, with each of us (Julia, Alina, and Emily) taking a different week. You will be able to get all of our perspectives on our new life. God bless you for reading!

Peace in Him,