Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Highlights Part I

As Theresa was saying last week, we are sooooo happy to be back in St. Louis! I arrived from my family visit on Saturday night and Sr. Rebecca arrived from Boston on Sunday afternoon. Our summer was packed! I was going through our pictures and I couldn't believe we did all that in the month that we were away.

We arrived in our motherhouse in Boston on June 29 and throughout our stay we met many of the Sisters stationed in Boston and those visiting from our communities around the US, Canada (Toronto), Argentina, Brazil, and Korea. (And I could be forgetting some more!)

We spent our first week getting to know the different departments where our Sisters work in our Boston community. It is so inspiring to listen to the Sisters talk about their "job" with a lot of passion and share with us their love for our mission and the people they hope to touch. There is so much love, prayer and help from above that goes into our apostolate, you can smell it in the air.

It was also my first time to celebrate the 4th of July. A bunch of us walked to Lars Anderson Park to watch the fireworks. We were there early to save a spot and played some games while waiting. If you ever played Pit, you know that part of it is yelling out the number of cards you want to trade with another player so we were learning how to count from 1 to 4 in many different languages: Polish, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Swahili. It was fun! I really appreciate the multiculturalism of our community. 

This was just the beginning of our visit to Boston. I will be posting again soon so stay tuned!


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