Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Daughter of St. Paul Forever!

On July 5, 2010, our community celebrated the perpetual profession of Sr. Fay Josephine Pele in Apia, Samoa (top picture). Our provincial superior, Sr. Margaret Timothy as well as three other sisters from our community were present at the beautiful and culturally rich celebration. Please join us in thanking God for Sr. Fay and the gift of her life to our community and the Church.

On August 8, 2010, we will celebrate the perpetual profession of Sr. Christina Wegendt in Youngstown, Ohio. We look forward to a grace-filled celebration! Please keep her in your prayers and let us thank the Lord for her generosity and life too. O Jesus eternal Shepherd of our souls, we give you thanks and ask that you send good laborers into your harvest!

P.S. Jesus gave His entire life for you. How is Jesus calling you to give your life for Him?

1 comment:

Sr. Chrissy said...

Thanks for the shout-out and the prayers! It's so great to have you both here in Boston! :)