Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pauline Webstore

Another stop on our tour through the Pauline Books and Media publishing house was to the Webstore (http://www.pauline.org/) with Sr. Patricia. She taught us so much! She showed us the Webstore's website and explained how it all worked. Sr. Patricia also showed all the updates they are doing to the site to make it as user-friendly as possible. A couple people had left messages on the customer service answering machine, so we called them back, answered their questions, and helped them place their orders. Afterwards, Sister showed us how and where to collect the items and then how to package them up so that they arrive safe and sound to their destinations. The Webstore is run very similar to the way our bookcenters are run. It's so helpful to understand how the Webstore works, since we refer some of the customers who come in to the bookcenter to this website. Now that we understand better how it works, we can explain it better to them! Stay tuned to see what we're doing next in the Publishing house!

1 comment:

carly said...

Go Webstore Go:)