Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Let's Get Digital

Everywhere you turn to these days, there are all sorts of media being used to stay connected, informed or be inspired. You can have an iPod, iPad, read stuff on Kindle, and so on. Well, as apostles of the Word, we are certainly not being left behind! One of our projects at our Publishing house was at the Digital Publishing department. We played around with tools like Kindle and iPod touch...which was nice. However, for us these are not just tools in themselves. We learned about how our mission is evolving to reach the many people in our digital age. We have several iPhone and iPod touch apps already in place on our website (http://www.pauline.org/AppsMP3s/tabid/385/Default.aspx) and still many more to come! For our Digital Publishing project, we worked on getting the content needed for our apps. This involved reading some of our books and getting quotes and inspirational notes that would help many connect with God. It was great to hear about the visionary ideas we have to reach the people of our time. So, ever onward we go with St. Paul as our guide!

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