Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Master is Here and Wants to See You...

Thursdays are special. In the Boston community, we found out that that is when we enjoy visiting with Jesus all day through Eucharistic Adoration! Of course, each of us makes our daily "Visit" with Jesus. However, on Thursdays, the priest exposes Jesus after the morning Mass and different Sisters take time to be with Our Lord. There is a sign right before you enter chapel that reads: "The Master is here and wants to see you...". How welcoming! You know, Eucharistic Adoration is central to our life (http://dsp.pauline.org/OurLife/ApostolicPrayer/tabid/113/Default.aspx). We need to spend time with Jesus to receive instruction and be nourished to go out to all the world and spread the Good News. It was nice to experience this part of our spirituality at our Motherhouse. At our formation house in St. Louis, every third Thursday of the month is special too. We expose Jesus in our little chapel and open the doors to all who wish to make a visit with Jesus by signing up or walking through our book center. It truly is wonderful to know that Jesus is with us and so close to us in this way. We are blessed indeed!

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