Saturday, August 13, 2011

Home Alone II

Well, here I am again - home with Sr. Noel and Sr. Assumpta for a couple days with no other postulants around. Cheryl is in NJ visiting family for a couple days. Laura is in Virginia helping out at the bookcenter until she begins novitiate and Jackie is in Kenya on a long overdue visit home. And Sr. Rebecca is in Boston for a couple more days. God willing, we will have three new postulants in the middle of September, but for now I am enjoying this down time after a busy time in Boston.

You may remember the trouble I got into while home alone last time. This time I am happy to report that I refrained from going on and trying to chat with a missionary about the Trinity. I have been helping out in the bookcenter, praying, (of course), ironing my laundry and catching up with friends.

Cheryl and I returned from Boston this last Tuesday full of new information from taking a class on the gospels over the summer. We also helped out in the apostolate. We both were in the Digital Department, where all the newest cutting edge work is done. This is where Sr. Kathryn pulls her hair out making our iPhone and android apps and where the digital artists in residence, Sr. Ann and Sr. Sylwia, work on many of the banners for our web site, videos and signs for our bookcenters. Cheryl and I helped out with the web site, giving our invaluable advice (hehe) and doing various other things to help the sisters get the web site up and running. Check it out, it just went up! It is majorly improved, but the sisters are still working out some kinks so don't be surprised if some of the links don't work yet.

We also went to Vermont, Laura's home state, for some exhibits and lots of fun (i.e. tour of Ben and Jerry's, tour of a cheese farm, hanging out with Fr. Yvonne and Laura's wonderful mom). It was fabulous. Did you know Vermont is gorgeous? Now I understand why Laura has a superiority complex about Vermont. Now I do too. I think I will start telling people I am from Vermont. Hopefully, when Cheryl gets back she will share with you more about that trip because I am running out of time. Gotta run to the bookcenter to give the sisters their break!

Oh by the way, we are super happy to be back in St. Louis and not just because we have air conditioning in our rooms here :) We love the people here and are so happy to spend another year here in formation.

Lots of love to everyone,



Cheryl said...

"I think I will start telling people I am from Vermont." -> Too funny! I have to agree that Vermont is beautiful, though. I'll post pictures soon. :)

Jane said...

No, Theresa, you are NOT from Vermont! :) I visited the website for the first time. It's amazing! So vibrant, bright, and inviting. It truly reflects the Daughters charisms.

Pursued by Truth said...

Thanks Cheryl, together we are going to keep this blog updated until the new postulants arrive. We can do it!

Oh Mom, it was a joke :) I'm an Oklahomie. And ya, our web site is looking pretty awesome... Love you!

- T